The Joint Commission on National Dental Examinations (JCNDE) is working to develop the new Dental Hygiene Licensure Objective Structured Clinical Examination, which is expected to launch in the 4th quarter of 2025. The purpose of this examination is to help dental licensing boards determine whether candidates have the level of clinical judgment and skills required to safely practice entry-level dental hygiene.
As a valid and reliable examination developed by professionals, the DHLOSCE will assess whether candidates can apply clinical knowledge and skills in a problem-solving context. This will be a national examination with identical content for candidates in all states and regions of the country. Content will be determined through utilization of a dental hygiene practice analysis.
ADEA Poster Presentation
Review this poster for key examination information about both the DLOSCE and DHLOSCE to be presented at the ADEA March conference.
View the Poster Presentation (PDF)
Updates on JCNDE Examination Programs: The NBDHE and DHLOSCE
A webinar on the JCNDE Dental Hygiene Examination Programs: The NBDHE and the DHLOSCE was held on October 10, 2024. Dr. Waldschmidt presented information for examination users, academic programs, and faculty. A recording of this informational webinar is available below. The slide presentation (PDF) is also available for download.View the webinar
For detailed information about the examination, download the DHLOSCE Candidate Guide below.